Sunday, February 9, 2014


      Welcome to Egypt, a land filled with sand, pyramids and pharaohs. The god Osiris ruled as a pharaoh while he was alive. He started his reign around 3000 BC and it ended when he was brutality murdered by his own brother. When he first came to power the humans practiced cannibalism, being the god of vegetation he quickly taught them how to plant crops and grow food to eat. He also taught them how to worship him and other gods, and had them build great temples. The people loved Osiris as he was a fair and just ruler.

    Egypt is hot and dry, the main source of water in the Nile River. The Nile is the world's longest river and is famous in the myth about Osiris's death; where he was drowned by his brother and his body washed downstream in a trunk. Egypt occasionally has swarms of locust, which in olden days would reek havoc on crops.



  1. The explanation of the seeing in Egypt could probably be clearer, yet still very good. The pictures help capture the image of how Egypt would be without using words. Well done

  2. I like how in your Setting post you describe not only the physical location but also the time period and how people were learning farming at the time of your myth.
