Monday, February 24, 2014

Presentation Reviews

Isis- tricked Ra into revealing his secret name.
Horus- chopped off his mother's head.
Set- he spent 80 years fighting with his nephew Horus.
Ra- was the creator of humans.
Dionysus- drove Semele's sisters, Agave, Autonoe, and Ino mad.
Artemis- symbol of the moon
Apollo- turned into a dolphin.
Hermes- born on Mount Cyllene
Raven- brought light to the world.
Coyote- he had a son who died, which made Coyote regret not making him immortal.
Balder- no evil can exist in his house.
Odin- his adopted son Loki killed several of his family members.
Loki- had a horse with eight legs.
Freya- one day her husband left and she cried as she searched for him; finally she found him under a myrtle tree.
Thor- dressed up as Freya and almost married Thrym because Thrym thought he really was Freya.
Guanyin- goddess of grains and harvest.
Jade Emperor- he was the god of all gods, only the three pure ones were more powerful than him.
Sun Wu Kong- came out of a stone egg.

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